Information about Nicholas Agallon's movements comes from the register of the French Great Council. The entry for 27 April 1455 begins with the words: 'Here follows what was said by Sir Nicolas Agalo, knight and count, former adviser of the Emperor of Constantinople. In the first place, that he has come to persuade the Christian princes to move against the Turk'. According to the French register, Frederick made Agallon a count and a member of his council. He also announced that when the crusade was launched, Agallon would lead a contingent of 500 men. Greeks involvement in the crusade propaganda went beyond the symbolic passive victim. Some were active in pressing for Christian unity against the Ottomans. Frankoulios Servopoulos, the former chancellor of Constantine XI, was sent to England by Pius II in 1459 where he urged King Henry VI and his court to bring about peace among Christians so that they could unite against the infidel.