Building on the preceding chapter and the theory of transformative routinisation in Chapter 2, Chapter 6 has two central purposes: to develop a framework of the Transformative Charisma Phenomenon in Islamist radicalism and militancy (TCPIRM) and identify two macro-evolutionary products of this process. To these ends, Chapter 6 begins by analysing the four key macro-evolutionary trends that characterise the TCPIRM that are both signatures and drivers of the evolutionary development of contemporary Islamist radicalism and militancy. Drawing on this analysis, this chapter concludes by identifying two macro-evolutionary developments that have emerged as products of the TCPIRM. Firstly, it identifies three typologies of charismatic leadership in modern Islamist militancy – spiritual guide, charismatic leader and neo-charismatic leader – and outlines their broad characteristics. Secondly, two philosophical ideal-types – foundationalism and socio-humanism – are identified and examined arguing that they have driven the operational, strategic and organisational evolution of modern Islamist radicalism and militancy.