Contemporary tinkering with Sor Juana's image, when not simply assigning the poet a child's face, favors the possibility of confusing her with a twenty- or thirty-something knockout, and sometimes even a sexy teenager. As for more expert work on Sor Juana, names of the "pros" also circulate in the press – astonishingly given the concomitant Mexican news stories that fret over national low reading skills and rates, as well as shrinking numbers of bookstores. Contemporary novels can be judged by their covers when it comes to the salacious promotion of lesbian Sor Juana. A thoroughly Mexican dialogue with Sor Juana hit the stage in 2013, but the production of poet Salvador Novo's imagined conversation between Sor Juana and diva poet Guadalupe Amor attracted an ambivalent review. Although Sor Juana always represents supreme intelligence, the contemporary interpretations of her genius participate in a comedy of human error.