An astonishing change in China is the advent of the world's workshop on socialist soil during the last three decades. In the new millennium, China's 'world workshop', constituted by this new migrant working class, is structurally embodied with capital's control and workers' resistance. In recent years, the term 'world's workshop' has been commonly used to describe the export-led model of development and the capacity of China for global production. The concept of a world workshop can be understood only in the context of the extended reproduction of global capitalism to subsume the social life of non-capitalist nations. With the opening of China and the arrival of global and private capital into export processing zones in the early 1980s, socialist China was already being transformed into a market economy under the wave of industrial relocation from advanced capitalist countries to the Global South. Globalization and market reform have brought profound changes to the mode of production and labour relations in China.