This chapter explores the more radical understanding of decision-making that emphasizes its latent relationships through investment in 'the broken middle'. The purpose of seeking to open up our understanding of decision-making in this way is to begin to appreciate how the wider aspects of lived experience, otherwise excluded from consideration or rendered inadmissible for rational discussion in law through law's inherent closure, contribute to its creative outcome. The chapter focuses the rejection of a dichotomous mode of thinking, and subsequent identification of 'the middle' as the true space in which authentic deliberation for decision-making takes place. Felix Guattari, offers a description of movement of becoming as 'rhizomatic', drawing attention to the nature of its combinations as 'interkingdoms, unnatural participations'. Deleuze and Guattari employ the notion of 'creative involution' to point to the possibilities they recognize here for what they term transversal or rhizomatic connections across boundaries.