The survey drew 30 participants, including one doctoral student who participated in anticipation of future courses in which he or she would teach Thomas Nashe. This chapter looks at how and when people teach Nashe and also looks at what texts they use. Teachers of Nashe are, for the most part, unabashed enthusiasts of his writing. Even with Steane's wider selection, professors can only teach those texts of Nashe that are in his edition and, in the case of texts represented only by extracts, only those extracts Steane judged to be important. The chapter recognizes to the survey clearly demonstrate, that professors teach Nashe for many reasons. Those who teach The Unfortunate Traveler in a fiction course will probably be satisfied either with Steane or with Salzman. As current teachers of Nashe, then, people may in fact be reaching future Nashe scholars, or future Jon Stewart's and Stephen Colbert's, for that matter.