Peiraieus was a deme of Hippothontis. Xenophon's Theogenes is likely to have been a person of some prominence, to be chosen as a member of the Thirty. Aristophanes's Theagenes or Theogenes clearly was a well-known man, for Aristophanes to refer to him so often without introduction or explanation. There may well have been a number of Athenians called Theagenes or Theogenes; but it is not so likely that there were many whose deme was Peiraieus or whose tribe was Hippothontis; and it is still less likely that two such men were both prominent personalities. This chapter suggests that the Theogenes of Xenophon and the Theagenes or Theogenes of Aristophanes are identical. The politician Theagenes of Peiraieus, resident at Acharnai, emerges as a figure of some importance. But the evidence is really too slender to support a reconstruction of Theagenes's political views in the earlier part of his career.