To create a sustainable transport system, various efforts in many fields of society and on different levels are necessary. One of the main challenges in this process is encouraging people to adapt their travel behaviour towards more sustainable modes. Two possible ways to do this include changing the available travel options and changing individual travel behaviour without altering travel options. Ideally, a combination of both would be most effective and would help to create a multimodal mind-set (Dziekan 2011), allowing people to be informed about different modal options while also knowing how to use them. Achieving a multimodal mind-set would conceivably mark a milestone in moving towards a sustainable transport system. Measures aiming to change travel behaviour are often described as ‘push and pull’ measures, where ‘pull’ measures make a given mode more attractive and ‘push’ measures make it less attractive or even prohibit it. Policy measures focusing on changing or reducing the demand for private car use are implemented under the term ‘travel demand management’ or ‘mobility management’ (Gärling and Fujii 2009).