Paschasius Radbertus presented the pope's appearance north of the Alps as a genuine attempt at mediation, and Louis's rejection of it as the beginning of the road to his de facto. deposition at Soissons. Recently, the idea has been revived that the "some writings" mentioned here were an early or even more advanced stage of the Pseudo-Isidorian decretals. A rather traditional kind of political history runs through most of Zechiel-Eckes's argument, but at its heart are three manuscripts used by the forger or forgers. Both Agobard and Radbert qualified, and no doubt other Frankish clerics, but there is no sign that such knowledge was current in Rome. Radbert's vivid and polemical narrative about the rebellions against Louis also aimed to justify his own actions in the tumultuous years in which he was abbot of Corbie, and therefore a significant actor in the corridors of power of Charles the Bald's kingdom.