When we take this into account, the Lobby’s target can seem ambiguous. It cannot be defined by a one-liner like ‘get the architecture firms to pay their staff better,’ or simply, ‘tell those potential clients that architects deserve more money.’ Nor can it be reduced to a simple statement for architects like ‘tell those staff they need to ask for more money.’3 To bring about real change in the practice of architecture, a readjustment on all those fronts is needed. That is a broad approach. However, the Lobby is committed to saying that if you identify any of these things as a problem – whether you are a member of the public, the media, a firm owner or what we call ‘fresh labor’ (the American Institute of Architects ‘emerging architects’), you have a to do something. No one person or set of people are to blame for the working practices of architects today, but at the same time, everyone is at fault. The multiplicity of this scenario is a reality.