This chapter presents an overview of the influence of Petrus Ramus in Hungary and Transylvania. It discusses the aspects of Ramist connections with Hungary and Transylvania. The chapter deals with those German academies where the earliest contacts between Ramism and Hungarian youngsters did actually evolve. The peregrination of early modern Hungarian and Transylvanian students had characteristic destinations, and these destinations changed over time. The chapter explains the character of Ramism established in Hungary and Transylvania by the middle of the seventeenth century. The impact of Ramist dialectic in Hungary was far stronger than the impact of rhetoric. Educational objectives and philosophical outlooks of the different Protestant trends in Germany all left some space to Ramist rhetoric. There is another important difference between the influence of Ramist rhetoric and dialectic in Hungary. A national-language adaptation of Ramist dialectic was produced, and thus Ramism had an important role in the creation of Hungarian logical terminology and of Hungarian-language philosophical thinking.