The county of Provence had been a bone of contention between the counts of Toulouse and the counts of Barcelona since the marriage of its heiress Dulce of Provence to Count Ramon Berenguer III of Barcelona in 1112. The archbishop of Arles, Bernard Garin, former abbot of the Benedictine abbey of St Victor of Marseille, had been elected only a year before the outbreak of the schism. Innocent undoubtedly viewed himself in an historic line from his predecessors but this was particularly the case with Urban II. Humbert Gerard was a former regular canon of the abbey of Saint-Salvi at Albi. His bishopric was situated in the viscounty of Albi, the viscount being a close ally of Alphonse Jourdain. The struggle for influence in the southern and western part of the ancient Gallia lasted much longer than in the kingdom of France, the duchy of Normandy or the duchy of Burgundy.