The church of the Holy Sepulchre is rounded in shape and sited at the centre of the Holy City of Jerusalem. In Jerusalem itself under the Greek emperors there were 365 monasteries and sacred buildings. The places for the catechumens are set out encircling the Holy Sepulchre. Towards Jerusalem, on a mountain, is built the monastery of St Theodosius the Abbot. It is eight miles from the city of Jerusalem. Above it is the monastery of St Elias the Prophet, which lies beside the road halfway to Bethlehem. The church is domed; and there Elijah went to sleep and the angel said to him, 'Arise and eat, for the journey is long'. In the same place, on the bank of the river, John saw the Holy Trinity. And across the Jordan is the cave in which he used to rest. From there also Elijah was taken up in a fiery chariot.