Dumitru Stăniloae (1903–93) was the foremost Romanian Orthodox dogmatic theologian and patristic scholar of the twentieth century. He was a pioneer of Palamite studies, having been the first to publish any translation or major study of Palamas, and can be included among contemporary “neo-Patristic” scholars in his emphasis on a return to patristic sources. Stăniloae was extraordinarily prolific: he published over 40 books, including several major dogmatic studies, 30 volumes of Greek patristic translations, a 12-volume translation of the Philokalia, 200 theological articles (many of them major studies), and over 400 editorial and periodical articles, besides reviews, introductions and other miscellany. His theological synthesis is similarly vast in scope: it fully integrates later Byzantine theology (Dionysius, Maximus, Palamas), also incorporating insights from contemporary theology (Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox) and philosophy, all combined in his “personalist” emphasis. His academic writings are imbued with a pastoral concern which gives them an inspirational dimension, making them traditional and contemporary simultaneously, engaging scholars, clergy and laymen.