I.Theory has been evolved, by Dr Assaf and the author, as a management philosophy that is simultaneously Islamic and international. It is interesting; moreover, that I.Theory has ultimately been evolved by a consulting company, rather than by a university or business school, in the Arab world. Some organisations in Jordan besides RSCN and Al-Quds Paints Co. have started to implement I.Theory. These include Future Applied Computer Technology Co., Irbid Electricity Co., Sanabel Landscaping Company, and Tibah Consultants. In general, they chose I.Theory as a background to implementing HR systems, whereby each one built its system in accordance with its particular situation and requirements. Finally, and recently, the author has started a series of educational and development programmes for Iraqi and Yemeni nationals on HR systems based on I.Theory. The Iraqis were trained in HR development and the Yemenis in public reform.