This chapter provides an overview of the paths and trajectories of Integral Research and Innovation, both analytical and transformative, the former aligned with research continuity and the latter with innovation and change. It presents an overview of method, and origination, in Grounding, Emergence, Navigation and Effect GENE format, followed by methodology, critique and action - and the dynamic equivalents recognizing that for a fuller appreciation of Integral Research and Innovation. Research and innovation combined is an interactive journey between an analytical and a more transformative approach. Navigating innovation give voice to the marginalized aiming to create social and eocnomic change. The integral dynamic approach to research and innovation, involving research continuity and innovative change, has been developed for both researchers, and innovators, around the world, with a mutual interest in each other. Norman Denzin and Yvonne Lincoln, based at the universities of Illinois and of Texas in the United States, are the pre-eminent authorities on 'qualitative research' in the world.