The replicating and evolving processes that have been confined to the natural world are about to become realms of human endeavor'. Through the advance of technology, we are ready to transform the make-up of the human being and perhaps even create a posthuman reality. 'Transhumanism is the view that humans should use technology to remake human nature', write Heidi Campbell and Mark Walker. The royal representative hypothesis of von Rad makes human dominion over the animals intrinsic to the imago dei. Morris goes on to include even the physical form of the human body in the imago dei, because it is into this form that God came to dwell in the incarnation. The chapter examines the concept of enhancement through various technological and biotechnological means: genetic enhancement, cognitive drug enhancement, enhancement of intelligence through nanotechnology, and prospects of cybernetic immortality. French philosopher Andr Comte-Sponville finds himself disgusted with the human race.