The idea of a unified Arab Maghreb is not new, but goes back to the 1920s; yet the many attempts never came to fruition for a number of reasons including territorial disputes, especially between the two dominating countries, Algeria and Morocco on the status of the Sahara, as well as to political rivalries and ideological differences, especially between Tunisia and Libya. Output-Based Management (OBM) was for a long time the only approach generally used in monitoring. It quantitatively measures achievements by the number of activities accomplished against a pre-determined agenda of work and inputs of human and financial resources. The OBM approach depends on a reviewing process of implementation of activities against a pre-determined agenda of work and producing periodical reports, commonly of quarterly nature, in addition to a final one. The RBM approach, being more concerned with the impact of activities on final goals, tends to use indicators of achievement through interviewing end-users, distributing questionnaires and collection of data.