This chapter analyses the relationship between the Europeanization and regionalization of marine governance in the Baltic Sea by concentrating on three phases of development: regionalization through the Helsinki Convention; Europeanization through EU legislation; and macro-regionalization through the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. It concentrates on HELCOM, the governing body of the Helsinki Convention, and the European Union because these actors have been most important in this policy area. The chapter gives a brief overview of the various environmental problem areas in the Baltic Sea, followed by a description and analysis of the three above mentioned governance arrangements. In the Baltic Sea region we find a rather unique governance architecture combining existing regional institutions with trends towards Europeanization through EU legislation and macro-regionalization through the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). Marine governance in the region will to a high degree depend on developing a coherent approach balancing national interests, Europeanization and macro-regionalization.