This chapter presents a schema for understanding and classifying CS projects. 2011 was a 'golden year' for citizen science: Numerous papers in top-tier academic journals acknowledged the contribution of non-professional scientists to the creation of scientific knowledge. The developments of the last few years could be seen as an indication that the pendulum is now swinging back again, and that non-professionally trained people start to assume a more central role within core activities of science again. Sometimes they donate their biological material, a situation that has been discussed in the critical social science literature as a form of 'biocapital', 'biovalue' and 'clinical labour' or in the context of 'biosocial relations of production'. Hauke Riesch et al., in a study on 'citizen science' informed by interviews with professional scientists, draw attention to professional scientists worrying that labour intensive work will increasingly be outsourced to volunteers under the label of 'citizen science'.