Electronic voting has a central role in the consolidation of the guarantees in the electoral process. Venezuela was a pioneer country in the implementation of electronic voting not only in Latin America but also in the world. Prior to the 1999 Constitution, the electronic ballot box was used in major elections, including the election in December 1999 that resulted in the end of four decades of agreement between parties (puntofijismo), which agreement has started to fray in the middle of the 1990s ( Álvarez Díaz, 1996:43). During the 2000s, the electronic voting system progressed technically and politically. Somehow, the objective of Venezuelans has been to define the relationship between e-voting and democracy; it is a relationship that has taken place in a context of high political polarization, in which electronic voting has served both to legitimize the transparency of the elections and, at the same time as an element of suspicion by some sectors of the opposition ( Martínez Dalmau, 2013).