The Spirit White Feather belongs to a category of spiritual entities called caboclos that are part of the pantheon of spiritual entities in some Afro-Brazilian religions. The term "caboclo" was highly contested because it has often signified a pejorative attitude towards the Amazonian people. The term "Candombl" emerged early in the nineteenth century in Bahia, the colonial capital of Brazil and a major slave trading port. Candombl is based on customs of enslaved people from West and Central Africa, and, in the beginning, the African cult' was practised in a relatively unorganized way. The interpretation of the caboclos as part of the Angola liturgy is also supported by Teles dos Santos. He argues that the influence of the Amerindian culture can be traced back to the early stages of African cults in Brazil, to the sixteenth century. Pai Zezinho's presentation of caboclo as a part of Angola Candombl is a growing phenomenon.