Children with problem behaviours are also considered a challenge for teachers. Pupil misbehaviour may serve as a stressor for a teacher, while the way this stressor is appraised may even lead to the selection of coping strategies that are sub-optimal, e.g. the adoption of an aggressive or over-dominant classroom management approach. S. Schonfeld found that teachers in primary and secondary education showed higher levels of job satisfaction and increased motivation to remain in the profession, due to the use of advice seeking, positive comparisons and direct action as means of coping and, thus, showed lower levels of stress. When the stressful situation occurs, the individual attempts to evaluate the problem, to appraise and implement possible courses of action, and, lastly, to regulate emotional responses. Workers who tend to have more expectations from themselves may be prone to professional burnout, as perfectionism and extreme confidence as personality traits may cause unpleasant impacts to their professional and personal life.