"BRICS" continues to be a moderately fashionable, even if contested, acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The fight against terrorism was the first political-security topic introduced into BRICS deliberations. The BRICS considers the UN to be the central and only legitimate body for global governance. Internet governance and cybersecurity are bringing about the newest challenges. Nevertheless, they are precisely the issues on which the BRICS could have some of the most sustainable and effective discussions in the political-security domain. The 2014 Fortaleza Declaration covered most of the current hot spots in all regions of the world, no matter how distant from any of the BRICS members either geographically or politically. The established powers have acknowledged the success and further convergence of BRICS countries and their attractiveness to other countries in the developing and emerging worlds. The BRICS has already established itself as a building bloc, one element in the changing world architecture.