This chapter provides a theoretical underpinning and practical evidence about the conceptualization, drivers and actors' practices leading to value co-destruction (VCD) by reviewing the existing literature and collecting data from various TripAdvisor actors. It analyzes the field and research in fake/inaccurate online reviews as a form of online VCD. The findings reveal information about: who (actor) is involved with VCD; what VCD means for each actor; how VCD happens (engagement social practices per actor leading to VCD); and the contextual factors and rivers leading actors to engage in VCD practices. The chapter discusses the practical and theoretical implications of the findings. The literature views VCD conceptualization and occurrence based on an interactional/collaborative, phenomenological/inter-subjective and resource exchange perspective. As value formation is heavily determined by multiple actors interacting as an aggregate social entity, it has to be studied at two levels of aggregation: actor-to-actor; and service ecosystem.