This chapter presents a very brief description of the growing number of students who are presenting learning and behavioral challenges for teachers in every classroom. The link between childhood trauma, learning, and behavioral challenges is also well established. When the classroom environment, teachers' methods, their relationship and interactions with students, and the schools' response to dysregulated student behaviors match the neurological, deep brain learning needs of stressed, anxious, and traumatized students, everything and everyone change for the better. All students, inclusive of stressed, anxious, and traumatized students, can benefit from the many brain-based, trauma-sensitive learning practices presented in this resource. Traumatized students also struggle with self-regulation; however, the brain-based practices that help non-traumatized students with regulation also benefit traumatized students. Embracing just one of the neuro-based, trauma-sensitive mindsets can have significant outcomes for an entire school. The chapter finally presents the key concepts discussed in this book.