We heard raucous voices emerge from the darkness. Carl motioned me closer. “It's those two we saw this morning. You saw what they were eatin’ in the boxcar, didn't you? They were eatin’ candy! And those sandwiches came from that shelter, I’m sure of that. They ate good today. I saw them heating up a whole pot of butter beans and bacon when I went to get the water. Then they was eatin’ ice cream, soda pop, candy. When I came back from the store they asked me if I used foodstamps, and I says, ‘No, I use money.’ ‘God-darn,’ that big one says, ‘why didn't you tell me—I would’ve given you stamps for that money!’ They wanted money and they had foodstamps—that's how they eat that junk because there are only certain foods you can get with the stamps. So they’re just wasting their money. Squanderin’ it. Even thirty-six dollars’ worth don't last forever.