Parents of gifted students often express concern that their children's academic needs are an afterthought rather than a priority in schools, particularly in educational environments in which high-stakes testing is a focus. Administrators can be proactive in anticipating and addressing parents' concerns and questions by providing clear and easily accessible information about available gifted services on the district and/or school website and in materials readily available in the main office and classrooms. Teachers can also direct parents asking for additional academic resources to three websites with well-curated, up-to-date resources for parents of gifted students: the website of the NAGC (nagc.org), the SENG (Supporting Educational Needs of the Gifted) website (sengifted.org), and the Hoagies Gifted Education page (hoagiesgifted.org). Parents frequently feel frustrated by current policies and practices regarding gifted students in schools, and lack of resources and experiences may lead to non-productive interactions with teachers, administrators, and school boards.