This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book covers the following themes: conceptualizing self-control, assessing self-control, antecedents and consequences of self-control, applications to health, applications to well-being, and improving self-control. Although self-control research has focused in large part on behaviors related to physical health, there is also a longstanding tradition of examining the role of self-control in important aspects of well-being, such as adjustment and social behavior. Research seeks to improve self-control by taking advantage of these factors. The book describes the main approaches researchers have taken to improve self-control. It includes automating self-control by implementation intentions, strengthening self-control exercises, and promoting more mindful self-control. Given its centrality in health and well-being–issues that most people consider important in their lives–researchers and practitioners alike need a more thorough understanding of the who, when, and why of self-control.