There are several historical, political, economic, demographic, and sociological factors that have contributed to the decline in Black educators. The significance of discussing Black educators is due to the severe discrepancy between the teaching population and the student population within the United States. The Supreme Court's ruling on Brown v. Board of Education created anticipation in Black educators who thought that the ruling would finally garner equal and better treatment for Black students and teachers. Prior to desegregation, Black schools that were semiautonomous were ignored by White administrators, but the 1954 Brown decision dictated that White school boards and superintendents were now in control of critical personnel decisions, such as hiring, firing, and transfers, in previously all-Black schools. Swanson, Cunningham, and Spencer (2003) state that there is still evidence of structural racism in American society, and it stems from systematic and institutionalized practices resulting in the subordination and devaluation of minority groups.