This chapter focuses on the radical conception of ecopsychology put forward by the Andy Fisher from within wide array of ecologically inspired fields of inquiry. It focuses on Andy Fisher's radical ecopsychology is very similar to the reason why it assume Wolfgang Giegerich's writings chose an article by Robert Romanyshyn to be the object of his critique of ecopsychological thought in his 2009 article "The Psychologist as Repentance Preacher and Revivalist". To the extent that it stands "after" psychology, ecopsychology views this historical rupture as a mere interlude, something to be overcome, a dark night of the soul that will soon give way to day. In both instances ecopsychology distances itself from and disavows its present reality, the historical rupture which and on this Giegerich and Fisher agree is the precondition for psychology. Ecopsychology's wholeness and nondualistic stance is achieved through a splitting off from its constitutive "truth" followed by a denial of the split.