Since World War II industry has dramatically increased synthetic chemical production and dissemination. This growing toxification has contaminated spaces we inhabit, food we eat, water we drink, and air we breathe. Consequently, this contamination has led to chemical “injustices-in-waiting” (Caniglia, Frank, Delano and Kerner 2014), where chemical trespass has led humans to bio-accumulate chemicals, thereby predisposing them for disease (Steingraber 2009). While Rachel Carson’s landmark book Silent Spring (1965) was a catalyst for bringing attention to the proliferation of man-made chemicals and their environmental destructiveness, Woodhouse and Howard (2009) point out:

despite the environmental movement’s success in reducing some specific hazards, such as those from persistent pesticides, chemical toxicity generally reaches more deeply and more broadly into the fabric of daily life in our era than it ever did in Carson’s.