Creativity occurs within constraints, of course, but the originality associated with it requires study freed from objectives and outcomes, at least on occasion. Within the free play of imagination, amid materials one has oneself assembled, one can communicate within constraints through composition. A systematic commitment to create and sustain non-coincidence, study is an ongoing ethical engagement with alterity. In education for employability, the individual becomes the casualty, as conformity aligned instrumentally contracts the sphere of subjectivity, now funneled to produce profitability. Freedom is exercised within the space of subjective non-coincidence with what is. To say that study is the site of education and that subjectivity is the site of study is to affirm that space of non-coincidence within which thinking occurs, wherein the author experience as experience. Non-coincidence also occurs intersubjectively, as in relationship. This "intermediacy", Nancy Luxon suggests, referencing the psychoanalytic encounter, "offers a space for self-cultivation not driven explicitly or implicitly by political program".