Like Zizek's theories, fantasy is derived from the psychoanalytic work of Freud and Lacan. The principal point for Lacan is that fantasy is setting for desire where fantasy provides the matrix through which subjects begin to desire. The object that consumes desire and therefore occupies the fantasy of subject must fall prey to the illusion that it is more than its pragmatic material. Fantasy organizes and domesticates the jouissance that provides the framework through which people experience reality; therefore, this structure and arbitrary object that animates it, acts as a defence against the traumatic loss of jouissance that occurs through entering the symbolic order. Fantasy acts to fracture political unity by focusing attention on individual satisfaction imagined to be the promise of a unique privileged object. It offers the promise of satisfaction as part of a privileged object; one understands this object as being apart from them. Enjoyment is derived from this fantasy image is therefore projected onto the other.