This chapter presents the intervention of leading practitioner, Jerrold Lee Shapiro, a monolingual English-speaking therapist. Jerrold provides a step-by-step exactly what to do to when challenging situations arise in group therapy. He had worked in a multicultural, multiethnic practice. In such environments, it is common for English to be a second language. Jerrold worked almost exclusively with time-limited, closed, clinical, and growth groups. However, this technique should work equally well in an ongoing open-ended group. He used the technique with individuals who spoke Japanese, Hebrew, Farsi, Spanish, Russian, Korean, Thai, Urdu, French, several Chinese dialects, and pidgin English. There are five steps to the intervention of this technique. Using standard descriptions of a four-phase group trajectory Preparation, Transition, Working, Termination this procedure is one that is best suited to the third or Working phase. It is designed for an increase in intrapsychic depth, once the group trust is sufficiently strong to support such an increase in affect.