Designbuild is the synthesis of the action design and the action build. The true intent of designbuild pedagogy is to address a knowledge gap within contemporary architectural pedagogy and contribute to building a better bridge between the academy and the profession. Designbuild pedagogies are often associated with participatory design movements, such as public interest design, characterized by a renewed sense of social responsibility and community engagement in design and construction processes. Long after the memory of the master builder and the craft guilds had faded, after the apprentice-master model of architectural education had almost completely disappeared, a rationalist streak gave rise to the architect-designer wielding design from a distance like a far-sighted prophecy. Rather than conceive of designbuild education as existing in the seam between designing and making, Terry Boling, in "Embodied Making: Designing at Full Scale", radically resituates designbuild education at the near total conflation of the two.