The convergence process is conceptualised within three domains: policy formulation and planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. The initial step in assessing convergence is to identify whether the objectives defined in policies require convergence and actions involved in the process of policy formulation and the nature of leadership driving the policy convergence. A shared understanding among the staff involved in the issues requiring convergent actions and facilitation of these actions are important to achieve convergence in implementation. Although individual departments have their own monitoring and evaluation indicators, those that are dependent on convergent actions require common frameworks and methods of data sharing. Convergence between the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was analysed in this study using the lens of the three domains. Reviews of national policies and strategic plans, the national five-year plans and the nutrition initiatives in Madhya Pradesh were conducted to examine the policy intent for convergence between the ICDS and NRHM.