Modernity was dominant in the interwar period, especially during the 1930s. Two graduates of the School of Architecture had already worked in Le Corbusier' s office during 1930–1932 and participated in major projects before returning to practice in Greece. The journal was rich and diverse, with short but well-illustrated articles by prominent Greek architects and planners, balancing work from the private and public sectors and generally echoing modernity. The international architects who visited Greece during this period left little evidence of their search for modernity, but rather sought out antiquity. In Greece, however, modern architecture prospered in all its particular expressions, as was the case elsewhere in the world. This self-consciousness sustained a confidence in Greek architects and society in general, projecting a sense of optimism and renewal. During this long decade it well represented Greek postwar architecture in general while simultaneously contributing, in its mapping and pro-active publicity, to a Greek architecture known primarily in select international circles.