This chapter argues that, despite its apparent technical nature, the sustainable urban retrofit associated with electricity provision in Sao Paulo's favelas is largely political in nature, characterised by its concern with an expansion of energy markets and, through this, the advancement of neoliberal understandings of the city. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in partnership with AES Eletropaulo launched a program in three phases for slum electrification and electricity loss reduction. The first of these involved 'pre-regularization' activities, including the establishment of contact with community leaders and the development of community campaigns aimed at preparing the population for the upcoming changes. The second phase, known as regularization, involved the installation of electricity meters in all households, alongside new electricity distribution equipment at the neighbourhood level. The third and final phase, 'post-regularization', focused on additional community campaigns and one-to-one work with the new customers to improve energy efficiency.