IT IS WELL KNOWN that the two most important aspects of a project relate to (1) understanding and defi ning what is required and (2) the assembly of the most appropriate organizations and individuals to deliver the project. The fi rst aspect relates to client briefi ng and the establishment of a comprehensive project brief. Get this wrong and it is very diffi cult to achieve the value required by the client. This can lead to frustration and disputes as well as a physical artifact that does not function in the way it was intended. The second aspect involves the considered selection of compatible project participants to design and subsequently construct the project in accordance with the project brief. Get this wrong and it becomes very diffi cult to deliver the project on time, on cost and to agreed quality levels. This can lead to ineffective communication, disputes and poor-quality buildings. Many challenges encountered on construction sites can be traced back to poor understanding of the client’s requirements and project participants failing to interact effectively. The message is to go slow to go fast – that is get everything in place and agreed by the client before starting to do the work.