The potential effects of globalisation on education are many and far-reaching due to education’s scale and nature. This chapter will provide insights for a better understanding of the nature of globalisation and neo-liberalism that has been brought by globalisation to the education system. It will examine the rationales and the needs of restructuring school education in the era of globalisation. This chapter aims to investigate how globalisation has been affecting educational governance, accountability and leadership and how education administrators and leaders have been responding to the challenges that have arisen from neoliberalism. It first outlines what is meant by globalisation, the impacts on education administration and principle changes that have come about. Neo-liberalism that resulted from globalisation has brought a paradigm shift in educational governance, accountability and leadership in many countries. Specifically, the author argues that when the education system in Hong Kong is open to globalisation, it has oriented into those neo-liberal values of contract, market, choice, competition, efficiency, flexibility, managerialism and accountability. At the end, the author would like to call for a reflection on the benefits and the hazards that neoliberalism have brought to us and on the values of globalisation on educational governance, accountability and leadership.