This chapter presents Discourse Ethnographic Approach (DEA), a combination of Critical Discourse Studies (CDA) and Ethnography that takes stock of some developments in those research traditions. It shows an immense need for combining Critical Discourse Studies (CDS) and Ethnography in problem-oriented studies. Ethnography is now linking context-sensitive explorations across various social contexts where it is crucial to highlight parallels and interplays of context-specific dynamics. A crucial development in ethnography of late is also its long-awaited endorsement of power as one of the central components of studied social contexts and as probably the key factor fuelling the dynamics of studied forms of social, political and organisational change. Ethnography and CDS are analytically mobilised in the DEA as complementary general frameworks. However, their merger also penetrates deeper, that is, into mezzo- and micro-levels of analysis where triangulating between a set of stages of analytical research allows for different aspects of the ethnographic and discursive analyses to be carefully balanced.