During the Republican primaries, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum warned of the “dangers of contraception,” which he called a “license” for non-procreative sex (as cited in “Taking a Stand,” 2012, p. 5A). In Santorum’s defense, donor Foster Friess (2012) voiced the opinion that, for an effective, inexpensive contraceptive, “gals” should put aspirin “between their knees.” Rush Limbaugh (2012) called the “99%” of American women who use birth control “sluts,” elaborating in comments about Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke’s Congressional testimony in favor of insurance coverage for contraceptive services:

Ms. Fluke is asking to be exempted from personal responsibility. She wants all the sex that she wants all the time paid for by the rest of us. She wants no consequences for it, or to it. She wants a penalty-free, moral-free life where everybody else pays for the mistakes that she makes as a consequence of the way she lives her life.