Dating and sexual violence are prevalent issues among middle and high school youth. Experiencing violence is associated with a variety of negative health consequences, in addition to poor academic performance and re-victimization in college. Adolescents may be at risk for perpetrating dating and sexual violence as a result of a variety of factors, including their attitudes and behaviors, past experiences, family factors, and peer group. Middle and high school are key times to implement dating and sexual violence prevention that address these risk factors and build healthy relationships. A variety of evidence-based strategies are available that can be implemented during the school day, afterschool by coaches, in the community, and with families. Towards this end and in order to equip schools and communities with the information needed to address dating and sexual violence, the current chapter summarizes the best available research evidence on the prevalence of dating and sexual violence, risk and protective factors for perpetration, commonly used measures assessing violence among adolescents, effective programs, and emerging approaches for adolescents. Dating and sexual violence are preventable, and multiple approaches exist that can be used to support healthy and safe youth relationships.