Over the past decade, the use of e-portfolios in an educational context has flourished. From e-portfolio’s paper-based origins in the realms of fine arts, music, creative writing, and architecture, the word portfolio was initially defined as a portable case for carrying a loose collection of papers and materials (Avraamidou & Zembal-Saul, 2002; Meeus et al., 2006). Portfolios are intended to contain samples of an individual’s “best work,” presented as an evidence of the individual’s abilities (Avraamidou & Zembal-Sal, 2002). Today, an electronic portfolio, or e-portfolio, is defined as “a digitized collection of artefacts, including demonstrations, resources and accomplishments that represent an individual, group, organization, or institution” (Lorenzo & Ittleson, 2005) and involves situating a portfolio within a web-based interface. Buzzetto-More (2010) describes an e-portfolio as “an organized compilation of artifacts (...) that demonstrates knowledge, skills, values, or achievements and that articulates the relevance, credibility, and meaning of the artifacts being organized and presented” (p. 1).