Outside, all staff and children participate in sitting or standing in a circle,

surrounding and holding a large piece of fabric that they call ‘the parachute’.

They waft the parachute up and down. Some children go underneath and they

call ‘hello’ to them. When sitting, they lift the parachute and staff look under

and call hello to particular children on the opposite side to them. Later they

place a teddy bear on top and bounce him by moving the parachute up and

down either quickly or slowly. They make small movements, all whispering,

to get him to go to sleep. Then, with excitement, they shout and use big

movements to ‘wake teddy up’. J talks to the children throughout the activity,

encouraging, praising, enticing and instructing children as individuals and

as a whole group. Occasionally a child breaks away and is gently encouraged

to come back to the circle and rejoin the activities. The children all join in

enthusiastically, singing, shouting, whispering, sitting, standing, turning,

walking and running. The activity generates a sense of community, while

individuals are sensitively acknowledged and encouraged.