OL glwtm’n' twb’n' OZLWNtn' AP-š nywkyh PWN dytn' HNA AYK BNPŠE PWN dytn nywk ’p ’ryk-c AYŠ <nywk PWN> dytn' MN OLE x’ylm’n'-hw’dšnyh16 HNA AYK d’m’n' l’y drwstyh W xbyš’cšnyh17 BOYHWNyt' xYHBWNtn'18xswk19 swt’wmnd AP-š swt’wmndyh HNA AYK hm’k nywkyh MN mynwk’n' OL gytyk’n' m’h xYHYTYWNyt'20xOD21 swt' x’p sp’ltn'22 ’ldwyswl BRA OL xsp’š23 ’p sp’lyt W {’ldwyswl BRA OL} xsp’š24 PWN dhyšn' BRA HLKWNyt' AP-š ŠPYLyh HNA xlwb’n'25 Y dlwnd’n' AMT-š’n' BYN dwšhw' p’tpl’s PWN xd’tst’n'26 YBLWNt YHWWNyt' ’-š ŠDYA W dlwc xhcš27 LAWHL xŠDRWNyt'28 AYK-š p’tpl’s Y ’DYNA xŠDYA29 ptš LA xOBYDWNd30 AP-š k’mk-dwyslyh xHNA31 AYK BYN KRA AYŠ {’y} xhwcšm32 AP-š hngwšytk NWLA cygwn' NYLYA PWN gytydy wcwlg swt' ’ytwn-c ’rtwhšt' PWN mynwk W xgytyk33 wcwlg swt'

3. ahlyh pahlom nk; rmn-xwhišnh abzr ohrmazddd [n mng k mardmn r-menišn be kund]; Sg weh kmag-dysar ohrmazddd ahlaw [ay mng huašmh; hd Ardwahišt ahlyh pahlom k -š tan hamg ahlyh abrg-iz har kas pad ahlyh-styišnh Gardmn tuwn šudan; u-š nkh pad ddan d k xwad pad ddan nk abrg-iz kas nk pad ddan az y. rmnxwhišnh d k dmn ry drusth ud bšzšnh xwhd ddan. Sg s dmand, u-š s dmandh d k hamg nkh az mngn gtgn Mh ward t s d abesprdan Ardws r be Spš abesprd, ud Spš pad dahišn be baxšd. U-š wehh d ruwn druwandn ka-šn andar dušox pdifrh pad ddestn burd bawd, -š dw ud druz aziš abz frstd, k -š pdifrh a-ddestn dw padiš n kund; u-š kmag-dysarh d k andar har kas huašm. U-š hangšdag

12 hmk' D29 13 ’p’rcyk D29 14 nywk D29 15 NPŠE D29 16 ’ylmn'-hw’dšn Y D29 17 byš’c'šnyh D29 18 YHBWNyt' D29 19 ’ywk' D29 20 SGYTWNyt' D29 21 OL D29 22 ’p sp’lytn' D29 23 ’p’š D29 24 sp’s D29 25 lkb’n' D29 26 d’yst’n' D29 27 ’-š D29 28 šdswnyt D29 29 šdy D29 30 OBYDWN't D29 31 hny D29 32 hwcšmn D29 33 gyty D29

wuzurg s d];

3. (of) best righteousness, beautiful; (of) the desire of rmn, powerful, created by Ohrmazd, [that spirit that makes humans humble]; (of) the good Sg, of desirous gaze, created by Ohrmazd, holy, [that is, the spirit of benevolence; that is, Ardwahišt is best righteousness, because all his body is righteousness, and moreover, everyone can go to Gardmn by praising righteousness; and his beauty in appearance is that he himself is beautiful in appearance and, moreover, one is beautiful in appearance thanks to him. The desire of rmn is this, that he desires to give health and to cure creatures. Sg is beneficial, and her being beneficial is this, that Mh brings all the good from spiritual creatures to material creatures, in order to distribute benefit, Ardwsr delivers it to Spš, and Spš distributes it to the world. And his (= Ardwahišt’s) goodness is this, that when the souls of the evil in hell suffer just punishments, it is because he keeps the demons and the druzs away from them, so that the demons do not inflict unjust punishments on them; and his being of desirous gaze is this, that he has a kind look upon everyone. And his likeness is fire; as fire is of great benefit in the material world, so is Ardwahišt of great benefit in the spiritual and material worlds];

4. of Xšara Vairiia; of molten metal; of mercy, which protects the poor;

4. štlywl5 Y6 mynwk ’ywhšwst' {Y W} x’syn'-wt’ht'7 ’mwlcšn' sl’dšn' Y dlgwš’n' AYK8xy’tk-gwbyh9 Y dlgwš’n' štrywr xOBYDWNyt'10 hwt’y W srd’l W dhywpt' xsl’dynyt’l11 W pshw-gwpt’l W xšn’sk12xY13 LOYN Y ’whrmzd xy’tk-gwbyh14 Y d’m’n' {ZK} OBYDWNyt' AYŠ-c MNW PWN gytydy dlgwš’n' xy’tk-gwbyh15 OBYDWNyt' AYŠ OLE BYN mynšn' YHBWNyt' AP-š gytydy ’ywhšwst' cygwn'

1 In Mf3, P51 this paragraph is introduced by xšn maine + the text of S. 1.1 2 F2, Kh2, Mf3, P51 – aiiaoxšustahe E1 – aiiaoxš.uštahe K18, L12, J15 – aiiaox/š.u/štahe T12 3 P51 – Geldner: marždiki 4 Geldner: rii.driaouue Mf3, Kh2, E1 – rii.darae F2 – rii.daruue K17, P14 – Mf3,

P51 add aoxt.nman yazatahe 5 hwt’yh PWN k’mk T12 – swt’lyh PWN k’mk P40 6 T12, P40 om. Y and the following three words 7 ’sp yn'-wt’ht' D29 – ’swn'-wt’ht' T12 –’sn'-wt’ht P40 8 T12, P40 om. from AYK to the end of the paragraph 9 y’twk-gwbyh D29 10 OBYDWNd D29 11 sl’dynyt’lyh D29 12 šn’sg D29 13 W D29 14 y’twk-gwbyh D29 15 y’twk-gwbyh D29

KRA 2 wcwlg swt'

4. Šahrewar [ mng]; ayxšust [sn-widxt]; murzišn; sryišn driyšn [k jdag-gwh driyšn Šahrewar kund; xwady ud slr ud dahibed sryndr, ud passox-guftr ud šnsag pš Ohrmazd jdag-gwh dmn kund; kas-iz k pad gtg driyšn jdag-gwh kund, kas y andar menišn dahd. U-š gtg ayxšust; iyn ayxšust pad gtg wuzurg s d, wn-iz Šahrewar pad mng ud gtg har 2 wuzurg s d];

4. (of) Šahrewar [spiritual being]; (of) metal [molten iron]; (of) mercy; (of) protection of the poor [that is, Šahrewar intercedes for the poor; he is the protector of the lord, the leader, and the ruler, and he is the responder and the knower (of the creatures) who intercedes for the creatures before Ohrmazd; and it is he who gives (= the thought of interceding) in the mind of any person who intercedes in the world for the poor. And his material element is metal; as metal in the material world is of great benefit, in the same way is Šahrewar of great benefit in both worlds, spiritual and material];

5.1 spn. taii vahuii rmatiš rtaii vahuii vouru.diraii mazdataii aš.aonii 2

5. of the good Spn. t rmaiti; of Rt, good, of broad vision, created by Mazd, holy;

5. spndrmt3 Y ŠPYL Y x’dl-mynšn4 l’tyh5 Y ŠPYL Y k’mk-dwysl Y ’whrmzdd’t Y ’hlwb'6 AP-š7 ŠPYLyh HNA AYK hm’k dhšn' {Y} x’p zwnyk8 PWN spndrmt' š’yt' d’štn' {YWM} cygwn' MYA ’wlwl gwspnd x’ywkhšwst9 W ANŠWTA APš x’dl-mynšnyh10 HNA AYK hm’k d’m zywndk W xmwltk'11 PWN xspndrmt'12 YKOYMWNd AP-š gylk-’wp’lyh HNA AYK ’n’kyh ZY-š QDM OBYDWNd PWN

1 In Mf3, P51 this paragraph is introduced by xšn maine + the text of S. 1.1 2 Mf3, P51 add aoxt.nman yazatahe 3 sp ndrmt T12 4 ’dl-mnšn D29 – \\’dl-mynšn// bwndk-mynšn' T12 – bwndk-mynšn' P40 5 l’tyh-c D29 6 ’hlwb' Y D29 7 T12 om. from AP-š to the end of the paragraph but adds \\AP-š ZNE-c hwyšk’lyh AYK KRA ’dyp ’lk-

HD MN KRA dhšn-HD GDE LAWHL OL LOYN Y ’whrmzd OZLWNyt W PWN ’wšyn' g’s ZK GDE OL stl p’yk' YATWNyt ’wšb’m BRA mkblwyt' PWN b’md’t g’s BRA OLE wl ’wlw’yš y’t ’hywb mynwk MKBLWNyt' p l’y wltywn y’twyt KRA y’w *** ’w š ***// – P40 om. from AP-š to the end of the paragraph

8 ’p tnyk D29 9 ’ywkšwst' D29 10 ’dlm’n'-hw’dšn'yk D29 11 mltk' D29 12 spwndrmt' D29

OLE LAWHL ’p sp’lyt' BNPŠE p’k' W ’p yck BRA YHWWNyt' AP-š l’tyh HNA AYK hm’k d’m W dhšn' PWN xspndrmt14 OŠTENd W MN xspndrmt15xOŠTENd16 APš bwndk-mynšnyh HNA AYK KRA AYŠ PWN ZK hwnl ZY-š AYT' bwndk mynyt' AP-š k’mk-dwyslyh xHNA17 AYK BYN KRA AYŠ ’ytwn' hwcšm cygwn AMYtl PWN xprznd18 TWB z’t' AP-š gytydy zmyk cygwn zmyk PWN gytydy xswtmnd19 ’ytwn-c xspndrmt'20 PWN mynwk W gytydy KRA 2 xswt’wmnd21 W xLBA22 swt'

5. Spandarmad weh r-menišn; rdh weh kmag-dysar ohrmazddd ahlaw [u-š wehh d k hamg dahišn abzng pad Spandarmad šyd dštan iyn b, urwar, gspand, ayxšust ud mardm; u-š r-menišnh d k hamg dm, zndag ud murdag, pad Spandarmad stnd; u-š gilag-brh d k angh -š abar kunnd pad xrad be gugrd; abzngh d k pad Tan pasn hamg dm Ohrmazd y abz abesprd, xwad pk ud abzag be bawd; u-š rdh d k hamg dm ud dahišn pad Spandarmad xwarnd ud az Spandarmad xwarnd; u-š bowandag-menišnh d k har kas pad n hunar -š ast bowandag mend; u-š kmag-dysarh d k andar har kas dn huašm iyn mdar pad frazand did zd. U-š gtg zamg; iyn zamg pad gtg s dmand, dn-iz Spandarmad pad mng ud gtg har 2 s dmand ud wuzurg s d];

5. (of) the good Spandarmad who is humility; (of) generosity, good, of desirous gaze, created by Ohrmazd, holy [and her goodness is this, that it is possible to keep each creation, such as water, plants, cattle, metal, and man, growing thanks to Spandarmad; and her humility is this, that all creations, alive or dead, are on Spandarmad; and her suffering in silence is this, that she wisely accepts the harm that they bring her; her bountifulness is this, that at the Future body she will give back each creation of Ohrmazd and will herself become clean and immaculate; and her generosity is this, that all creatures and creations are nourished thanks to and by Spandarmad; and her perfect thought is this, that she thinks of everyone with perfection, thanks to the talent she has; and her having a desirous gaze is this, that she has a benevolent look towards everyone in the same way as a mother towards another son born of her. And her material element is the earth; as the earth is beneficial in the material world, so is Spandarmad beneficial and of great benefit in both worlds, spiritual and material];

13 ’p zwngyh D29 14 spwndmt' D29 15 spwndmt' D29 16 wštmnd D29 17 hn D29 18 prznnd D29 19 swtymnd D29 20 spwndmt' D29 21 swt’mnd D29 22 lwb’k D29

6. of the ratu Hauruuatt; of the annual Hušiti; of the Saras, ratus of Order;

6. hwrdt'5 lt'6 {ZK-c Y} s’l’n'7 hwzywšnyh8 ŠNT'9 Y ’hl’dyh lt' Y10xwyhyckyk11 APš ltyh Y s’l HNA AYK nywkyh Y BYN ŠNT BRA HLKWNd plhst' hwrdt xYWM12 HLKWNd {HWEd} W BYN hm’k YWM HLKWNd BRA hwrdt YWM wyš HLKWNd ZK-c Y s’l’n' xhwp-zywšnyh13 HNA AYK KRA MNW hwrdt YWM šn’dynyt' ’-š hm’k YWM šn’dynyt YHWWNyt' AP-š {W} hm’k {W} ŠNT' xnywktl14 YHWWNyt AP-š ŠNT-’hl’dyh ltyh HNA AYK AMT-š hwrdt YWM šnwmn15 Y YWM W ŠNT BRA krt' ’-š KRA MNDOM-1 nywktl YHWWNyt' AP-š gytydy MYA cygwn MYA PWN gytydy wcwlg swt x’ytwn-c16 hwrdt' PWN mynwk W gytydy KRA 2 wcwlg swt'

6. Hordd rad; sln hu-zwišnh; sl ahlyh rad [ wihzagg; u-š radh sl d k nkh andar sl be baxšnd frahist Hordd rz baxšnd, ud andar hamg rz baxšnd be Hordd rz wš baxšnd; n-iz sln x b-zwišnh d k har k Hordd rz šnynd, -š hamg rz šnynd bawd, u-š hamg sl nktar bawd; u-š sl-ahlyh radh d k ka-š Hordd rz šn man rz ud sl be kard, -š har tis- nktar bawd. U-š gtg b; iyn b pad gtg wuzurg s d, dn-iz Hordd pad mng ud gtg har 2 wuzurg s d];

6. (of) the rad Hordd, and (of) the annual good living; (of) the year, rad of righteousness [the intercalary one; and her (= Hordd’s) being rad of the year is this, that the goodness that they distribute during the year, they distribute (it) most on the day Hordd, and they distribute it each day, but more on the day Hordd; and the annual good living is this, that for each person who makes propitiation on the day Hordd, every day becomes propitiated, and the whole year becomes better; and her being rad of righteousness of the year is this, that if on the day Hordd one makes the propitiation of the day and of the year, then each single thing becomes

1 In Mf3, P51 this paragraph is introduced by xšn maine + the text of S. 1.1 2 y.° F2, Kh2, Ml2 – yirii K17, H1, J8, L11, P14 – yirii P51 – Geldner: yiriiaiisca Mf3 –

y.iriiii .sca E1 – yiriisca K18, L12, M4, J10, P40, T12 3 hušitiš amaheca P40 – hušitiš amaheca T12 4 Mf3, P51 add aoxt.nman yazatahe 5 hwrdt \ltyh/ T12 6 lt' Y ŠNT’n' T12, P40 7 ŠNT’n T12, P40 8 hwKTLWNšnyh \hwzywšns/ T12 – hwklwnšnyh P40 9 ŠNT-c D29 10 T12 om. from Y to the end of the paragraph but adds \\hm’k ’st’wmnd’n gyh’n KRA hwrdt' YWM

šn’dynyt ’-š hm’k YWM šn’dynyt YHWWNyt AMT-š hwrdt YWM šnwmn Y YWM W ŠNT BRA krt ’-š KRA MNDOM-1 nywktl yhw ***// – P40 om. from Y to the end of the paragraph

11 wyhyck D29 12 ZNE D29 13 hwp-zwšnyh D29 14 nywshtl D29 15 hšnwmn D29 16 ’ytwnn'-c D29

in the material world, so too is Hordd of great benefit in both worlds, spiritual and material];

7.1 amrtatt2 ra fšaonibiia vbiia3+aspanibiia4 yaonibiia5 gaokrnahe s rahe mazdatahe6

Gh 1.7 mirahe vouru.gaoiiaoitiš rmanasca8 xvstrahe9

Gh 2.10 aš.ahe vahištahe rasca ahurahe mazd

Gh 3. brzat ahurahe nafr apm apasca mazdataii

Gh 4. aš.unm frauuaš.inm nnmca vr.vanm yiriiaiisca hušitiš amaheca hutštahe huraoahe vrranaheca ahuratahe vanain. tiisca uparatt

Gh 5. sraošahe aš.iiehe aš.iuuat vrrjan frdat˜ .gaahe rašnaoš razištahe

aršttasca frdat ˜ .gaaii vardat

˜ .gaaii

7. of the ratu Amrtt; of small cattle and large cattle; of fruitful fields of wheat; of Gaokrna, strong, created by Mazd;

Gh 1. of Mira, of the vast protected pastures, and of Rman xvstra;

Gh 2. of Aš.a Vahišta, and of fire, (son) of Ahura Mazd;

Gh 3. of the high lord Apm napt, and of water, created by Mazd;

Gh 4. of the frauuaš.is of the righteous; of the ns, with a legion of men, of the annual Hušiti, of Ama, well built, of beautiful appearance, of Vrrana, created by Ahura, and of victorious Uparatt;

Gh 5. of Sraoša who accompanies the reward, who possesses the reward, victorious, who furthers the world; of Rašnu, very just, and of Arštt, who furthers the world, who increases the world;

1 In Mf3, P51 this paragraph is introduced by xšn maine + the text of S. 1.1 2 F2, Kh2, K38, (K36), Ml2 – The other mss.: amrtt 3 F2, Kh2, Mf3, K18, K36, L12, J8, T12 – v\ni/biia E1 – vnibiia H1, K11, K17, L11, J15,

M4, P40 – vanibiia P51 – vanibiia P14 – vanaeibiia J10 4 K17, H1, J8, P14 – aspainibiia M4 – aspanaibiia K11 – aspanaeibiia J10 – aspnbiia Mf3 –

aspnibiia P51 – spnibiia (K17) – Geldner: aspinibiia F2, Kh2, K18, K36, L11, E1, P40, T12 – aspinabiia L12

5 F2, Mf3, K18, L12, M4, P40, P51, T12 – y.unibiia K36, Kh2, E1 – y.auuanibiia L11, J8, (K17) – yauuanibiia P14 – yauuinibiia H1 – yaouuanibiia K11, K17 – yauu.naeibiia J10

6 P51 adds aoxt.nman yazatahe 7 In P51 the gh invocations are omitted 8 T12 om. rmanasca and the following word 9 Mf3 adds aoxt.nman yazatahe 10 In many manuscripts the invocations of ghs 2, 3, 4, and 5 are omitted; the invocations of ghs 4

and 5 are found only in J10

15 ywlt’y’n' gwkln'18 hwm Y spyt' xY19 ’p z’l Y ’whrmzdd’t HWEt20x’mwrdt21 ltyh Y ’wlwl’n' HNA AYK hm’k {W} d’m MN x’mwrdt'22 OŠTENd PWN x’mwrdt' 23 ltyh xzywynd24 PWN-c tn' Y psyn' ’nwškyh PWN x’mwrdt'25x’mycynd26 LWTE mzg Y msnk' nywk' TLBA Y TWRA Y hty’wš xgwkln27 hwm Y spytk W kl m’hyk' AP-š <gytydy ’wlwl cygwn' ’wlwl PWN> gytydy wcwlg swt' ’ytwn'-c x’mwrdt'28 PWN mynwk W gytydy xswt’wmnd29 W LBA swt'

Gh 1. mtr'30 Y xpl’hw-gwywt31 W l’mšn'-hw’lwm

Gh 2.32 ’hl’dyh Y p’hlwm{-c} ’thš-c Y ’whrmzd

Gh 3. bwlc Y hwt’y Y NKB’n33 Y lwšn' Y x’p ’n'-n’p 34 MYA-c Y ’whrmzdd’t

7. Amurdd rad; fšnišn [paymn kardan ud dštan] ramag [pšg]; abzng jrdyn; Gkarn [Hm Spd] abzr ohrmazddd [hd Amurdd radh urwarn d k hamg dm az Amurdd xwarnd, pad Amurdd radh zwnd, pad-iz Tan pasn anšagh pad Amurdd mznd abg mazg msnk', nk ph gw Hadayš, Gkarn, Hm Spdag, ud Kar mhg. U-š gtg urwar; iyn urwar pad gtg wuzurg s d, dn-iz Amurdd pad mng ud gtg s dmand ud wuzurg s d];

11 ’mwdt D29 12 ltyh D29 – ltyh ’p z’dšn' T12, P40 13 pšnšn' D29 14 T12, P40 om. ptm’n and the following four words 15 mzd P40 16 T12, P40 om. pšg 17 ’p zwn Y T12, P40 18 gwkl ’whrmzdd’t D29 19 W T12, P40 – D29 om. Y and the following three words 20 T12 om. from HWEt to LBA swt' but adds\\’mwrdt ltyh pšwnšn' ptm’n' krtn' d’štn lmk pšk W ’p zwn

Y ywlt’y’n' gwkln' W ’whrmzdd’t W hwm Y sp yt ’wlwwl’n whšynyt lmk' gwsp nd’n' ’ p z’dynyt ME hm’ d’m MN OLE OŠTENd zywnd PWN-c plškrt' ’nwš MN ’mwrdt wgl’snd// – P40 om. from HWEt to LBA swt'– In D29 the portion of text from HWEt to the end of the paragraph follows the Pahlavi translation of S. 1 gh 1

21 ’mwdt D29 22 ’mwdt D29 23 šmwrdt D29 24 zywnd D29 25 šmwdt D29 26 ’mycnd D29 27 gwkl D29 28 ’mwdt D29 29 swt’mnd D29 30 W mtr' P40 31 g’wywt D29 – pl’-gwywt T12, P40 32 In D29 this and the following gh invocation are omitted 33 /N/KB’n T12 34 ’p ’n-\n/’p \’lwnd’sp / T12 –’p ’nyk P40

Gh 2. ahlyh pahlom, taxš-iz Ohrmazd;

Gh 3. Burz xwady [ mdagn ršn] bn-nf, b-iz ohrmazddd;

7. (of) the rad Amurdd; (of) the fattening [obtaining and maintaining the measure] of herds [pšg]; (of) bountiful pastures; (of) Gkarn [the White Hm], powerful, created by Ohrmazd [that is, Amurdd’s being rad of the plants is this, that all creatures get nourishment from Amurdd and live thanks to the chieftainship of Amurdd, and at the Future body, thanks to Amurdd, they will mix the liquid of immortality with the marrow msnk', the good fat of the Ox Hadayš, (the fruit of the) Gkarn, (which is) the White Hm, and the fish Kar. And her material element is the plant; as plants are of great benefit in the material world, so is Amurdd beneficial and of great benefit in the spiritual and material worlds];

Gh 1. (of) Mihr of the vast protected pastures, and (of) Rmišn-xwrom;

Gh 2. (of) best righteousness, and (of) fire, (son) of Ohrmazd;

Gh 3. (of) Burz, lord [of women, luminous], of the family of the waters, and (of) water, created by Ohrmazd;

8.1 dauš ahurahe mazd rauuat xvarnavhat amš.anm spn. tanm2

8. of the Creator Ahura Mazd, rich, glorious; of the Amš.a Spn. tas;

8. d’t’l ’whrmzd Y l’d’wmnd3 Y GDE’wmnd4 ’mhrspnd’n'5 HWEt6xHNA7 l’d 3 xYMRRWNyt'8 ME ’whrmzd n’mk’nyh Y tn' ddw' PWN ’twr BRA ddw' PWN <mtr'> lwb’n' ddw' PWN dyn' plwš AP-š AHRN-c KBD xŠM9 {Y} AYT'

8. Ddr Ohrmazd rymand xwarrahmand; Amahraspandn [hd d ry 3 gwd Ohrmazd nmagnh tan Day pad dur, be Day pad Mihr ruwn, Day pad Dn frawaš; u-š an-z was nm ast];

8. (of) the Creator Ohrmazd, rich, glorious; (of) the Amahraspands [that is, He says (they are) three for this reason, because Day pad dur is the commemoration of the body of Ohrmazd, whereas Day pad Mihr (is the commemoration) of (his)

1 In Mf3 this paragraph is introduced by xšn maine + the text of S. 1.1 + the text of S. 1 ghs 2-4 – In P51 this paragraph is introduced by xšn maine + the text of S. 1.1 + the text of S. 1 ghs 1-3

2 Mf3, P51 add the text of S. 1.Cf 3 l’dywmnd D29 – lyd’wmnd P40 4 GDE’wmnd Y D29 5 ’mhrsp nd’n T12 6 T12, P40 om. from HWEt to the end of the paragraph 7 hnw ’y D29 8 ymrrwyt' D29 9 ’m D29

also many other names of him];

9.1 r ahurahe mazd pura2 xvarnah sauuah mazdatahe airiianm xvarn mazdatanm kuuaiieheca xvarnah mazdatahe r ahurahe mazd pura kauuiš haosrauuahahe variš haosrauuahahe asnuuan. tahe3 gariš mazdatahe cacastahe4 variš mazdatahe kuuaiieheca xvarnah mazdatahe r ahurahe mazd pura rauuan. tahe gariš mazdatahe kuuaiieheca xvarnah mazdatahe r ahurahe mazd pura tarš5 spn. ta raaštra6 yazata pouru.xvarnaha yazata pouru.bašaza r ahurahe mazd pura mat

˜ vspaibii trbii xšar.nafr nairii.sahahe yazatahe7

9. of fire, son of Ahura Mazd; of glory; of prosperity, created by Mazd; of the glory of the Aryans, created by Mazd, and of the Kayanid glory, created by Mazd; of fire, son of Ahura Mazd; of the Kayanid Haosrauuah; of Lake Haosrauuah; of Mount Asnuuan. t, created by Mazd; of Lake Cacasta, created by Mazd, and of the Kayanid glory, created by Mazd; of fire, son of Ahura Mazd; of Mount Rauuan. t, created by Mazd, and of the Kayanid glory, created by Mazd; of fire, son of Ahura Mazd; O fire, bounteous warrior, yazata of much glory, yazata of many healing capacities; of fire, son of Ahura Mazd, along with all fires; of the yazata Nairii.saha, scion of power;

9. ’thš Y ’whrmzd BRE ’twr'8 plnbg GDE swt Y ’whrmzdd’t' ’yl’n'9 GDE Y ’whrmzdd’t' W kd’n'10 GDE Y ’whrmzdd’t' AP-š11xk’l xY12 ’slwnyh xHNA13 AYK PWN ZK kwstk' ’slwn d’n’ktl W xkrt’ltl14xYHWWNd15 PWN l’s Y OLE ZK MNW LWTE dh’k ptk’l krt OLE xYHWWNt'16 ’thš17 Y ’whrmzd BRE ’twr'18 gwšnsp

1 In Mf3, P51 this paragraph is introduced by xšn maine + the text of S. 1.1 2 pura tauua tarš pura ahurahe mazd r ahurahe mazd pura J8 3 K36, Kh2, L11, J10, P40, P51 – asnuuatahe E1 – asnuun.tahe F2 – asn .an.tahe H1 – asnauuan.tahe

K18, J8, T12 – asanuuan.tahe Mf3 4 Mf3, L12, P51, T12 – ccastahe F2, Kh2, K36, E1 – cicastahe J10 – caecaestahe P14, P40 – cae.