Radical hysterectomy remains the preferred method of treatment for patients with early cervical cancer (FIGO stages IA2-IB1-IIA1). The introduction of robotic technology changed the avenue from laparotomy to a minimally invasive approach, something that laparoscopic technology did not fully do. The magnified stereoscopic image provided by the endoscopic camera, the seven degrees of articulation of the robotic instruments (Intuitive Inc, Sunnyvale, CA), the lack of hand tremor, and the intuitive movements of the instruments mimicking the movements of the surgeon hands, facilitate minimally invasive surgery. The result is a high degree of precision and accurate tissue dissection unsurpassed by the human hand in the open technique or by the use of the conventional rigid laparoscopic instruments. The surgical technique described in this chapter follows the same surgical steps as the open or laparoscopic technique but with the ease provided by the technological details outlined above.