This chapter addresses the issues of transnational cybercrime and cybercrime by transnational criminal organisations. It presents two cases of transnational cybercrime: online grooming and CEO fraud. The chapter also presents one case of transnational criminal organisations: Hells Angels Motorcycle club. It applies both an offender-based and an offence-based perspective on crime: offence-based with respect to online grooming and CEO fraud, and offender-based with respect to Hells Angels. The chapter focuses on offenders who abuse the Internet to commit crime. Criminal activities are hidden in legal activities, and the club is seeking a positive and respectful reputation based on social activities. The concept of maturity models and stages of growth has been applied to a variety of organisational phenomena to determine maturity levels. All stages of growth models share a common underlying logic. Organisations undergo transformations in their design characteristics over time, which enable them to face new tasks or problems that growth elicits.