Based on its medicinal properties, there is no comparative study report of in vitro calli and S. grandiflora. The seeds and in vitro calli of S. grandiflora were shade-dried; the shade-dried samples were powdered, the powdered samples were cold-macerated with different solvents for 3d with occasional stirring. Wild plant seeds and fresh and dried in vitro calli, were taken and homogenized with cold ethanol and used in the mortar and pestle. Both wild plant seeds and in vitro calli showed potential antioxidant activity. The plant Sesbania grandiflora belongs to Fabaceae family. The whole plant is traditionally and medicinally very important. Its leaves are acrid, bitter, sweet and cooling, which are used for tonics, aperients and diuretics. Plant regeneration through organogenesis callus cultures derived from petioles, mature leaves, roots and stems of young seedlings of Psoralea corylifolia were reported by Saxen et al. and Zingiber officinale in vitro organogenesis through callus culture was reported by Rout and Das.